Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Your Baby Can Read - Month 1

Is it important that your baby can read at 10 months...even before they can talk? Probably not, but this 'Your Baby Can Read' system is pretty incredible looking. When I first saw the tv commerical I thought only neurotic parents would purchase this. After I saw the advertisement a few more times I got more interested and even bought it. I don't know if them showing little babies reading words off flash cards is what got me to buy this or if it is because I'm a bit of a infomerical junkie (thinking of buying Turbo Jam as I write this). But if I'm the infomerical junkie then my husband is the ebay junkie. Once I showed him the commerical he was searching it out on ebay. He did find it and bought it. It is a DVD system that your child watches and you change DVDs as your child gets older. It has you start with your baby at 3 months (that is how old Maggie is), but you can start later. Again, it seems a bit crazy to show your 3 month old reading videos, but Maggie really likes watching it. She will squeal in delight, so it is obviously pretty entertaining. The video shows an action, says the action and also shows the word. The word can be reaching or clapping, but also words like baby, dog, gorilla and elephant. As a parent the video gets old quick and this first DVD feels a bit amatuer and dated. However, Maggie likes it and maybe it will help her read early. It might help that Maggie likes watching tv in general. It can be soccer or Project Runway, but she definitely will stare if the tv is on nearby. I better beware with all the crap I tend to watch. I will try to keep up with it and hopefully this DVD system won't go by the wayside like my other infomerical purchases (Windsor Pilates anyone?). At least they can't send me automatic monthly purchases (Meaningful Beauty)!


  1. So no offense but I hate that commerical. Why can't a baby just be a baby. Teach her Sign language instead of flash cards. They have to do that for the next 18 years. Jack could sign at about 8 months. And believe me when they start to talk you'll wish you'd had acouple more quite days. Love mommy of 3 boys

  2. I totally agree...the commercial is annoying and I don't want to make Maggie grow up faster than she needs to...but the videos are pretty fun. I'm not using flash cards yet and the videos are not much different than some tv programs currently on. I'm not the drill sergeant type, so I won't push her too hard, but I do like the few minutes of entertainment so I can grab a cup of coffee and a bite to eat. I think I will also do the sign language thing. I do know sign, so I'm sure I will incorporate that too. What signs did you teach Jack? Thanks for the comment...keep it coming!

  3. I love Windsor Pilates :) Still doing the routines religiously.

    I think those infomercials are fascinating. Def keep us up to date on the progress.


  4. Smartest baby ever! I'm going to send some Dickinson, Doestoyevsky, and Faulkner your way and I'll be expecting book reports before her second birthday.

    In all seriousness though, I'm totally going to get these DVDs for our pending child. I guess I'll probably hold off until birth though. That just seems the reasonable thing to do.

  5. You forgot about Thoreau. That's Maggie's favorite! I'll keep you posted on how Maggie far it really is just a lot of squealing and kicking of the legs. Very advanced I must say! You can also just borrow our DVD's, so no need to buy them.
