Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Blow Outs!

Holy cow can babies poop! My sister told me that when her daughter was a baby that she would poop one day a week. She would poop all day that day, but it was only once a week. In the first two months Maggie pooped five times a day (at least). Crazy blow out type pooping...running up the back and dripping down the leg. All very disgusting! The worst was when Kaleb, my mom and I were driving to Carlsbad, CA. Maggie was sleeping great and when we hit our first gas stop in Yuma she was still sleeping. I didn't want to wake her (even though changing her in a bathroom would be easier), so we continued on and let her sleep. Of course about 15 minutes later she was awake, so I fed her a bottle. I was pretty sure she also needed a diaper change so I had Kaleb pull off the highway. I was just going to change her in the car and we could move on. Well as soon as I pulled her out of the car seat I realized she had one of her blow outs! It was up her back and the whole deal. We had pulled off the highway in the middle of nowhere (90 degrees outside) and there were farm fields surrounding us. I jump out of the car, so that I could have some room to change her when about 100 flies came in the car. The fields had just been fertilized and the flies were out in droves. I of course freak out and Kaleb and mom were just as flustered. Kaleb says, "jump back in we're moving the car." I do and we move the car (with baby in my lap and poop everywhere) to the other side of the highway. I jump back out, but the flies are still there....they are everywhere because the fields are everywhere. I just deal with it and my mom, Kaleb and I are all trying to change her diaper, wipe her down, get new clothes all the while we are swatting flies. Again, this is the middle of nowhere and my mom looks around and says, "hey here is a garbage can." No idea why this garbage can was there, but it was the only lucky thing about that experience. Finally, Maggie is cleaned up and we are back driving in the car with the windows down trying to get all of the flies out. For whatever reason flies get out pretty quick in a moving vehicle with windows down. Another 10 minutes later we are all back to driving with the book on tape playing. It was about 25 minutes of pure chaos, but now we look back and laugh our asses off!

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