Sunday, August 22, 2010

Head & Shoulders and a toothbrush

After a few weeks of having Maggie she started to get this scaly layer of dried skin on her head (and her eyebrows too).  I looked it up and found out it was called craddle cap.  It doesn't hurt the baby and they say that after a few months it will just go away on it's own.  One book said that craddle cap may bother you, but it doesn't bother the baby.  I of course couldn't just leave it be.  I would find myself sort of picking at her and it drove me nuts.  I did a little research and they said that a good way to get rid of it was using olive oil and a toothbrush.  Pour a little olive oil on her head and gently scrub the scalp with a toothbrush.  I also read that even a little dandruff shampoo would take care of it.  The olive oil is messy and hard to rinse out, so I opted for the Head & Shoulders.  After a week or so of using it the craddle cap was gone.  Now if only trimming her nails was as easy!