Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's Time!!

My water broke when I was at home (thank god for that). It was around 10pm on 4/29/10. We had been watching the Suns play in the finals and had our friend over to BBQ and watch the game. Around 9:30 or so I decided to go get ready for bed and read a while. As I was laying there I felt the gush. Now, I had been reading about that moment, praying for it to happen, but I still wasn't prepared for it. I called in my husband, Kaleb,(I was now sitting on the toilet)and said, "I think my water just broke!" He kicked our friend out...well it didn't take much force. He was up and out of there as soon as he heard what was going on. "Congrats and let me know how it goes," was what he said on his way out. My husband then started running around getting the rest of what we needed. My cousin had told us that they were so busy thinking about her and what the baby would need that they forgot to pack anything for dad. One of the things they wished they had was a sweatshirt for dad in the hospital. So, remembering that, Kaleb put his sweatshirt on and continued to pack. After a few minutes Kaleb was sweating like crazy. I told him that I think he could wait to put the sweatshirt on once we got to the hospital. My contractions still hadn't started. Fluid continued to leak, but no real contractions. I was expecting to have contractions and not really know when it was time to go to the hospital, but since it was my water that broke first I knew we had to go. We left the house around 12am and on the way to the hospital my contractions began. They felt like strong period cramps. They were uncomfortable, but not unbearable...not yet anyway!

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