Thursday, July 29, 2010

Baby is what?

Once you are home with your baby it is pretty crazy. I think when you are a new mom it is so hard because you really have no idea what you are doing and you don't have those little tricks up your sleeve. So, the first trick I found was the boppy. I loved the boppy the first few weeks and didn't think there was a better product out there. I didn't really use it for breast feeding, but I did put Maggie on it (or in it...however you want to look at it) to sleep. The books and doctors say that the baby must sleep on their back. You don't want to suffocate your baby by placing her on her stomach and putting them on their back reduces the risk of SIDS. I tried having Maggie sleep on her back, but she didn't do all that well. She woke up frequently and seemed uncomfortable. That is when I tried the boppy. I would swaddle her up and place her on the boppy and she slept great. I would even put the boppy in her crib or pack n play and place her on top at night. I think she liked having her head elevated and I liked that she slept! So, just when I was comfortable with that she changed her style (I hear that happens a lot). She stopped liking the boppy. Now what? In the hospital I noticed the nurse had swaddled her (they do that perfectly by the way) and then would prop her on her side with a rolled blanket wedged behind her. She wasn't completely on her side, but wasn't on her back either. I started doing that at home and that worked great. Ultimately I bought a sleep positioner to keep Maggie from pushing the rolled blanket out and falling on her back. 3 months later and I still use the sleep positioner. She sleeps great and I guess just likes being on her side. I do switch sides from day to day, but she is getting these slight bald spots on the side of her head! Oh least she sleeps!

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